Picture: Daniela FleckensteinPicture: Daniela Fleckenstein
Secure texting through distributed messages
TU researchers enable better protection for sending sensitive information
In today's digital landscape, ensuring the privacy of online communications is more critical than ever, especially in professions that rely on confidentiality, such as law or politics. Two research groups from the Profile Topic Cybersecurity and Privacy at TU Darmstadt have developed EMC² (Encrypted Multi-Channel Communication), a method that enhances the security of sensitive messages by distributing trust across several existing communication channels. The team's approach addresses the limitations of current encryption solutions, introduces a tool that makes secure communication more accessible, and shows the ineffectiveness of government-mandated backdoors.
Double Sucess for PEASEC at FIfF Weizenbaum Study Prize 2024
Doctoral Theses of Dr. Thea Riebe and Dr. Thomas Reinhold Honored
At this year's FIfF e.V. (Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung) conference, researchers from the PEASEC group at TU Darmstadt will be honoured twice with the Weizenbaum Study Prize 2024. The doctoral theses of Dr. Thea Riebe and Dr. Thomas Reinhold, supervised by Professor Christian Reuter, will be honoured with the first prize. Both theses deal with security-relevant aspects of information and communication technologies and cyber security.
Picture: Adobe Stock #938749853Picture: Adobe Stock #938749853
Geschlechtseintragungen sicher gestalten
Kryptografie ermöglicht datenschutzkonforme Lösung für behördliche Datenabgleiche
Eine neue Studie der Technischen Universität Darmstadt zusammen mit der Universität Kassel beleuchtet datenschutzrechtliche Probleme bei Datenabgleichen zwischen Behörden am Beispiel des Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes. Die Forschenden zeigen, dass die Private Schnittmengenberechnung als datenschutzkonforme Lösung dienen kann. So lassen sich sowohl die Interessen von Bürger:innen als auch von Sicherheitsbehörden wahren. Dies könnte insbesondere im Hinblick auf die geplante Reform des Namensrechts von aktueller Bedeutung sein.
Junge Menschen im Fokus
Professor Buchmann an Leopoldina-Denkschrift beteiligt
Professor Johannes Buchmann, bis 2019 Professor für Informatik und Mathematik sowie Sprecher des Sonderforschungsbereichs CROSSING an der TU Darmstadt und aktives Mitglied der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, hat gemeinsam mit weiteren Expert:innen Empfehlungen der Leopoldina zu „Selbstregulationskompetenzen von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Kindertageseinrichtungen und Schulen“ als eine Leitperspektive im deutschen Bildungssystem vorgestellt. Die interdisziplinären Autor:innen gehen dabei auch auf die Rolle von digitalen Medien ein.
Paper accepted at PETS 2024
Success for CROSSING researchers from P2 and E7
New Article in Behaviour & Information Technology
Building trust in remote attestation through transparency
Paper accepted at CCSW'24
Success for CROSSING researchers from E4
Picture: PEASECPicture: PEASEC
Surfing the Research World at CHI 2024
Kilian Demuth’s CROSSING Collaboration Award Experience
Kilian Demuth, doctoral student from the research group PEASEC at TU Darmstadt, is one of the recipients of the CROSSING Collaboration Award 2023. The award not only acknowledges excellent internal collaboration and progress in research but also provided Kilian with the opportunity to attend the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems this May. In this interview, Kilian shares his experiences at the conference, insights from the sessions he attended, and how the unique setting of Hawai'i added a special dimension to his personal growth.
Student Insights from Eurocrypt 2024
Master's student travels to top conference through CROSSING program
At the Collaborative Research Center CROSSING, we are not only dedicated to researching cryptography for new and next-generation computing environments but also to fostering the next generation of cryptography experts. Our CROSSING Female Student Mentoring and Networking Program is an exceptional opportunity for talented female students to dive deep into the world of cryptographic research at a top conference. Today, we share the inspiring report of a Master’s student from TU Darmstadt who attended Eurocrypt 2024 in Zurich through the program.
Paper accepted at ARES'24
Success for CROSSING researchers from S7 and E4
Picture: Daniela FleckensteinPicture: Daniela Fleckenstein
Female Student Travel Award 2024
Students receive award and travel grant for academic achievements
This year's Female Student Travel Awards from CROSSING go to Bachelor's students Greys Fankyeyeva and Carina Schulte. They receive the award for their noteable academic achievements in computer science. In addition, the two prize winners not only have a strong interest in, but also early involvement with the topics of the Collaborative Research Centre CROSSING. The prizes were awarded on Wednesday (3 July) as part of the Ruzena Bajcsy Lecture on Communications and Resilience of the Collaborative Research Centre MAKI.
Paper accepted at ACM CCS
Success for CROSSING researchers
Picture: Anne GrauenhorstPicture: Anne Grauenhorst
Best Excercise in Winter Semester 2023/24
Recognition by Student Council for Cryptoplexity Group
Dr Jaqueline Brendel (Manager CROSSING) and Julius Moritz Hardt (Student Assistant in the research group Cryptography and Complexity Theory of CROSSING speaker Marc Fischlin) received the award of the student council of the Computer Science department for the best exercise in the winter semester 2023/24.
Picture: Daniela FleckensteinPicture: Daniela Fleckenstein
Cutting-edge research and collaborative spirit
Looking back at TPMPC 2024
More than 150 researchers came together in Darmstadt for the 10. Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop (TPMPC 2024) from Monday, June 3rd to Thursday, June 6th, 2024. The event brought together leading experts, researchers, and industry professionals in cryptography and secure computation and featured an inspiring lineup of sessions, presentations, and collaborative discussions.
Paper accepted at SP'24
Success for CROSSING researchers from ENCRYPTO group
Picture: Benjamin Schenk/Fotostudio HirchPicture: Benjamin Schenk/Fotostudio Hirch
Wegbereiter der digitalen Vernetzung
Der ehemalige CROSSING-PI Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser geht in Pension – im Interview für den Fachbereich Informatik blickt er auf 25 Jahre an der TU zurück und wagt einen Blick auf zukünftige Herausforderungen.