CROSSING Research Seminar
BEAT-MEV: Epochless Approach to Batched Threshold Encryption for MEV Prevention
Speaker: Ziyan Qu (S7), TU Darmstadt | Location: S2|20, 121 (Lab)
CROSSING Research Seminar
Solving Scalability for Key Transparency Systems via a Privacy-Preserving Verifiable Summary Mechanism
Speaker: Sam Markelon, University of Florida | Location: S2|20, 121 (Lab)
Innovation sucht Geschäftsidee – Cybersecurity
Cybersicherheits-Forschung mit Anwendungspotenzial trifft auf Unternehmen
Location: Industrie- und Handelskammer Darmstadt, Rheinstr., 64295 Darmstadt
Guest Lecture: Nojan Sheybani (UCSD)
Topic: Securing AI with Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Location: TU Darmstadt, Pankratiusstraße 2 (S2|20, seminar room 9)
Guest Lecture: Prof. Murtuza Jadliwala
Topic: Reality Check: Seeing Through the Lies and Deceit of Generative AI Models
Location: TU Darmstadt, Pankratiusstraße 2 (S2|20, 121)
High-Tech Women 2024
Location: Welcome Hotel, Darmstadt
Honoring and Celebrating Prof. Ross Anderson: Innovator, Mentor, and Eternal Inspiration
Location: Jagdschloss Kranichstein, Darmstadt, Germany
SUSHI'24: Sustainable Hardware Security Workshop
Interactive workshop co-located with ICCAD 2024
Location: New Jersey, USA
CROSSING Research Seminar
Hash your Keys before Signing: BUFF Security of the Additional NIST PQC Signatures
Speaker: Samed Düzlü | Location: Zoom
CROSSING Guest Talk: Prof. Vlad Kolesnikov
Topic: New Directions in Garbled Computation
Location: TU Darmstadt, Pankratiusstraße 2 (S2|20, 121)
CROSSING Research Seminar
Mitigating Security Risks by Understanding Security-related API-misuses and Advancing Detection of Misuses
Speaker: Anna-Katharina Wickert | Location: S2|02, B0002
Young Researcher Crypto Seminar (YRCS) 2024/2
Workshop organized by the Cryptoplexity Group at TU Darmstadt | Save the Date
Location: Pankratiusstrasse 2, 64289 Darmstadt
Workshop “Your Research’s Potential”
Workshop Offer Co-Organised by the Rhein Main Universities (RMU)
Location: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Riedberg, Max-von-Laue-Straße 9, Gebäude N100, Raum 015, 60438 Frankfurt am Main
CROSSING Guest Talk: Prof. Marcin Pawłowski
Topic: New paradigms for Device Independent cryptography
Location: TU Darmstadt, Pankratiusstraße 2 (S2|20, 9)
CROSSING Guest Talk: Prof. Dr. Amir Herzberg
Topic: Provable Security for PKI Schemes – and the (Composable) Modular Security Specifications Framework
Location: TU Darmstadt, Pankratiusstraße 2 (S2|20, 9)