2022 IACR-CROSSING School on Combinatorial Techniques in Cryptography

Thank you for your interest in the 2022 IACR-CROSSING School. The school is now fully booked and closed for registrations.

Registration fee

The registration fee is 280€. The fee includes the excursion and conference dinner on Wednesday.

Entry requirements

Due to the pandemic the number of attendees will be limited to around 60 and priority will be given to PhD students and postdocs working on a related area in cryptography. Attendees will be required to be in possession of a vaccine certificate and may additionally be required to have a recent negative test before the start of the school. At the moment (February 2022), Malta is requiring a so called “booster shot” (third COVID-19 vaccination) for entering the country. Please check the entry requirements applicable to you at the time of travel on the website of the Maltese government.


A small number of travel stipends (500 EUR) will be given out to PhD students with a limited travel budget. Only PhD students are eligible for a stipend. If applying for a stipend please write a short justification for why you need a travel stipend. Successful stipend recipients will be notified by March 4th.

The IACR is committed to providing an experience free of harassment and discrimination in its events, respecting the dignity of every participant.

If you experience harassment or discriminatory behavior at an IACR event, we encourage you to reach out to someone who could help. The following are available to you: the Code-of-Conduct Liaison, General Chair(s), any member of the Ethics Committee, or the President.

Special rules apply for online conferences. We require that every participant in an online conference represent themselves by the name that they use for their professional work. In addition, any speech or imagery that are posted in the chats of the various conference activities must be appropriate.

Participants who violate this code may be sanctioned and/or expelled from the event, at the discretion of the General Chair(s). Serious incidents may be referred to the Ethics Committee for further possible action. Any action will only be taken with the consent of the complaining party subject to applicable.

If you witness harassment or discriminatory behavior, please consider intervening.