Invited Talks
Yael Kalai
Title: New Age Cryptography
Yael Tauman Kalai received her BA (1997) from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, MA (2001) under the supervision of Adi Shamir at the Weizmann Institute, and PhD (2006) under the supervision of Shafi Goldwasser at MIT. After postdoctoral positions at Microsoft Research and the Weizmann Institute, she is now a Researcher at Microsoft Research New England. Her honors include an outstanding master's thesis prize, a Sprowl's award (cowinner) for best PhD Thesis at MIT. Her research focuses on cryptography.
Heike Hagemeier & Sarah Maßberg (Federal Office for Information Security (BSI))
Title: Public Key Cryptography in practice: Cryptographer's work at BSI
We give a short history of the development of Public Key Cryptosystems at BSI and an overview of the requirements and challenges for cryptography in the various fields of IT-Security.
Heike Hagemeier studied mathematics at the University of Cologne and received her Phd (2010) from the Technische Universität Darmstadt under the supervision of Jan Bruinier. Since 2010 she is working as a cryptographer at the german Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
Sarah Maßberg studied mathematics at the Universities of Göttingen and Bonn and received her PhD (2008) from the University of Düsseldorf. After two years work as an actuary in a life insurance company, as of 2011 she is a cryptographer at the german Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).