Friday 17.05.2019
Time | Schedule | Room |
15:30 – 16:00 | Arrival | S3|20 Room 18 |
Session A |
16:00 – 16:15 | Opening Remarks | S3|20 Room 18 |
16:15 – 16:45 |
Investigations of differential power analysis of KECCAK's chi function Anna Guinet (Radboud University, The Netherlands) |
S3|20 Room 18 |
16:45 – 17:15 |
Privacy-preserving Proofs for the Blockchain Apoorvaa Deshpande (Brown University, USA) |
S3|20 Room 18 |
17:15 – 17:30 | Short Break | |
17:30 – 18:30 |
Keynote: Elette Boyle Homomorphic Secret Sharing Mini-Tour |
S3|20 Room 18 |
18:30 – 18:45 | MAKI / CROSSING Female Student Travel Award 2019 | S3|20 Room 18 |
18:45 | Snacks and Socializing | S3|20 Foyer |
Saturday 18.05.2019
Time | Schedule | Room |
08:30 – 09:00 |
Registration |
S1|01 Karo 5 |
Session B | ||
9:00 – 9:30 |
On the Privacy-Preserving V2G Payment Scheme P6V2G and Scenario Specific Privacy Rebecca Schwerdt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
9:30 – 10:00 |
Yet another Holy Grail in crypto: (efficient) zero-knowledge proofs for lattice problems Cecilia Boschini (IBM Research Zürich, Switzerland and Università della Svizzera Italiana) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Privado: Privacy-Preserving Group-Based Advertising in Online Social Networks using Multiple Independent Providers Sanaz Taheri Boshrooyeh (Koç University, Turkey) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
10:30 – 11:00 | Coffee break | |
Session C | ||
11:00 – 11:30 |
Stronger Lower Bounds for Online ORAM Veronika Slívová (Charles University, Czech Republic) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
11:30 – 12:30 |
Keynote: Bianca Prietl Women in Computer Science from a Social Science and Gender Studies |
S1|01 Room A03 |
12:30 – 14:00 | Lunch | S1|01 Karo 5 |
Session D | ||
14:00 – 14:20 |
Algebraic construction of lattices in the Ring-LWE problem Jheyne Ortiz (University of Campinas, Brazil) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
14:20 – 14:40 |
More efficient updatable zk-SNARKs Arantxa Zapico (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
14:40 – 15:00 |
Applied post-quantum cryptography for embedded systems Soundes Marzougui (TU Darmstadt, Germany) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
15:00 – 15:20 |
Anomaly Detection of IOT Nodes using Power Signature Maria Ashraf (German University in Cairo, Egypt) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
15:20 – 15:40 |
Towards Cognitive Obfuscation – Analyzing Human Factors to Impede Hardware Reverse Engineering Carina Wiesen (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
15:40 – 16:00 | Coffee Break | |
Session E | ||
16:00 – 16:30 |
Efficient and Proactive Long-Term Secure Secret Sharing-based Storage Systems Giulia Traverso (TU Darmstadt, Germany) |
S1|01 Room A03 |
16:30 – 17:45 | Interview: Oded Goldreich | S1|01 Room A03 |
17:45 – 18:00 | Closing Remarks | S1|01 Room A03 |
19:30 | Socializing |
Invited Talks
Elette Boyle, IDC Herzliya
Elette Boyle is an Assistant Professor at IDC Herzliya in Israel. Elette is interested in problems that bring mathematical elegance to the realm of the applicable. Her research centers in cryptography, including topics such as oblivious computation, homomorphic secret sharing, multi-party distributed protocols, and secure computation.
Elette will give us a “Homomorphic Secret Sharing mini-tour” during her CrossFyre talk. Homomorphic Secret Sharing (HSS) is a form of secret sharing that supports local homomorphic evaluation on shares, enabling users to convert shares of s to compact shares of f(s) without communication. Many new constructions and applications of HSS have emerged in the last few years yielding surprisingly far-reaching implications---from efficient private database manipulation and low-communication secure computation protocols, to worst-case to average-case complexity reductions.
This talk will serve as an introduction and brief tour into this expanding line of research.
Oded Goldreich, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Oded Goldreich is a Professor of Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. His research interests lie within theory of computation, specifically the interplay of randomness and computation. He is widely known for his contributions to the foundations of cryptography.
In this interview, we will hear Oded's opinion on challenges and chances of young researchers on their way to tenure.
Bianca Prietl, TU Darmstadt
Bianca Prietl holds a PhD in sociology and is currently employed at the department of sociology at Technical University Darmstadt. She is a scholar in Science and Technology Studies, Gender Studies and Qualitative Social Research. Her research focuses on masculinity constructions in engineering, feminist design of technical artifacts, algorithmic discrimination, and social relations of power and inequality in the context of digitalization and datafication.
This talk will focus on women in computer science from a social science and gender studies perspective. It will start by taking a closer look at the gendered structure of computer science and the cultural symbolisms surrounding this field of work. Going forward, it will discuss how society’s association of technology with masculinity affects women’s participation in computer science: How to understand women’s underrepresentation in computer science throughout the global north? What does it mean to work as a woman in computer science and what challenges these women confronted with due to their gender-related minority status? And what strategies of dealing with this social situation have been identified? The overall aim of this talk is to provide a vocabulary with which to articulate experiences of marginalization by sharing insights from social science research on gender and computer science.