Research areas that worked in isolation from each other before the launch of CROSSING now work together to contribute to a shared goal. The success of CROSSING lies in the extraordinary dedication and team spirit of individual researchers, combining their strengths. CROSSING actively encourages collaboration and team building in various ways. A twice-yearly retreat for all CROSSING members offers a relaxed atmosphere where collaborations can be initiated and developed.
Photo | Name | Working area(s) | Contact |
Postdoctoral Researchers | |||
| Dr. Krishna Narasimhan Software Technology & Reactive Programming | E1 | kri.nara@st.informatik.tu-... +49 6151 16-21369 |
Picture: Katrin Binner
| Dr. Vladimir M. Stojanović Theoretical Quantum Physics | P4 | vladimir.stojanovic@physik.tu-... +49 6151 16-20325 |
| Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Weber Modeling & Analysis of Information Systems | E3 | weber@mais.informatik.tu-... +49 6151 16-25253 |
| Dr. Shaza Zeitouni System Security Lab | P3 | shaza.zeitouni@trust.tu-... +49 6151 16- 25321 |
Doctoral Researchers | |||
| Tigist Abera System Security Lab | S2 | tigist.abera@trust.tu-... +49 6151 16-25323 |
| Barbara Benedikt Cryptography & Complexity Theory | S4 | barbara_jiabao.benedikt@tu-... +49 6151 16-22393 |
| Andreas Brüggemann Cryptography and Privacy Engineering | E4 | brueggemann@encrypto.cs.tu-... +49 6151 16-27301 |
| Gowri Chandran Cryptography and Privacy Engineering | E4 | chandran@encrypto.cs.tu-... +49 6151 16-27302 |
| Marco Chilese Cryptography and Privacy Engineering | E4 | chilese@encrypto.cs.tu-... |
| Sebastian Clermont Cryptography & Complexity Theory | S4 | sebastian.clermont@tu-... +49 6151 16-25736 |
| Kilian Demuth Science and Technology for Peace and Security | E7 | demuth@peasec.tu-... +49 6151 16-20945 |
| Oussama Draissi Secure Software Systems | S2 | ousama.draissi@uni-due.de +49 201 18-37019 |
| Andreas Erwig Applied Cryptography | S7 | andreas.erwig@tu-... +49 6151 16-25719 |
| Erik Fitzke Laser and Quantum Optics | P4 | erik.fitzke@physik.tu-... +49 6151 16-20915 |
| Jens-Rene Giesen Secure Software Systems | S2 | jens-rene.giesen@uni-due.de +49 201 18-37357 |
| Daniel Günther Cryptography and Privacy Engineering | E4 | guenther@encrypto.cs.tu-... +49 6151 16-27301 |
| Patrick Harasser Cryptography & Complexity Theory | P2 | patrick.harasser@cryptoplexity.de +49 6151 16-25735 |
| Jakob Kaltwasser Laser and Quantum Optics | P4 | Jakob.kaltwasser@physik.tu-... +49 6151 16-20913 |
| Nora Khayata Cryptography and Privacy Engineering | E4 | khayata@encrypto.cs.tu-... +49 6151 16-27303 |
| David Kretzler Applied Cryprography | S7 | david.kretzler@tu-... +49 6151 16-75264 |
| Sebastian Linsner Science and Technology for Peace and Security | E7 | linsner@peasec.tu-... +49 6151 16-20945 |
| Maximilian Mengler Laser and Quantum Optics | P4 | maximilian.mengler@physik.tu-... +49 6151 16-20910 |
| Elena Micheli Applied Cryptography | S7 | elena.micheli@tu-... +49 6151 16-25714 |
| Duc Thien Nguyen System Security Lab | S2 | ducthien.nguyen@trust.tu-... +49 6151 16- 27344 |
| Giang Nam Nguyen Scientific Computing | P1 | giang_nam.nguyen@tu-... +49 6151 16-27287 |
| Max Orlt Applied Cryptography | S7 | maximilian.orlt@tu-... +49 6151 16-25721 |
| Felix Rohrbach Cryptography & Complexity Theory | P2 | felix.rohrbach@cryptoplexity.de +49 6151 16-25733 |
| Olga Sanina Cryptography & Complexity Theory | S4 | olga.sanina@tu-... +49 6151 16-22169 |
| Michael Schlichtig Secure Software Engineering | E1 | michael.schlichtig@uni-paderborn.de +49 5251 60-6583 |
| Benjamin Schlosser Applied Cryptography | S7 | benjamin.schlosser@tu-... +49 6151 16-25728 |
| Maximilian Tippmann Laser and Quantum Optics | P4 | maximilian.tippmann@physik.tu-... 20910 |
| Tim Weißmantel Modeling & Analysis of Information Systems | E3 | weissmantel@mais.informatik.tu-... +49 6151 16-25256 |
| Anna-Katharina Wickert Software Technology Group | E1 | wickert@st.informatik.tu-... +49 6151 16-21364 |
| Kathrin Wirschem Applied Cryptography | S7 | kathrin.wirschem@tu-... +49 6151 16-25727 |
| Hossein Yalame Cryptography and Privacy Engineering | E4 | yalame@encrypto.cs.tu-... +49 6151 16-27301 |