Organizers: CROSSING, TU Darmstadt & Dependable Internet of Things, TU Graz
Graz, Austria | September 3-7, 2018
Welcome to our second School on Security & Correctness in the Internet of Things 2018, held from 3.-9. September. It is hosted by the research center “Dependable Internet of Things“, located at Graz University of Technology. This school targets graduate students interested in security aspects of tomorrow’s IoT devices.
Current advances in technology drive miniaturization and efficiency of computing devices, opening a variety of novel use cases like autonomous transportation, smart cities and health monitoring devices. However, device malfunction could potentially threaten human welfare or even life. Malfunction might not only be caused by design errors but also by intentional impairment. As computing devices are supposed to have high and permanent network connectivity, an attacker finding a vulnerability might easily target millions of devices at once. Moreover, integration of computing devices in everyday items exposes them to a potentially hostile physical environment.
A central requirement of tomorrow’s IoT is the ability to execute software dependably on all kinds of devices. IoT devices need to provide security in the presence of network attacks as well as against attackers having physical access to the device.
During the five-day school, participants will gain awareness of these IoT-related challenges. Introductory classes are supplemented by advanced courses in the area of system security, cryptography as well as software and hardware side-channels. During spare time participants are invited to enjoy the city of Graz and attend organized events.