Workshop “Your Research’s Potential”
Workshop Offer Co-Organised by the Rhein Main Universities (RMU)
2024/06/20 09:00-17:00
Location: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Riedberg, Max-von-Laue-Straße 9, Gebäude N100, Raum 015, 60438 Frankfurt am Main

Young Entrepreneurs in Science, Rhein-Main-Universitäten
What is the application potential of your own research? In this workshop, you will reflect about user groups and the network of stakeholders that surround you and your research. Why could they benefit from your research? Brainstorm potential use cases and help each other to take your ideas to the next level. Learn and practise how to convince supporters or investors of your vision and personality in our pitch training. Develop your pitch storyline and receive feedback from our experts and an interdisciplinary team of peers, who are – like you – PhDs or Postdocs with the ambition to innovate.
Content of the Workshop
Your Research Canvas
- Reflection about the potential of one’s own research topic/idea
- Assessing potential through identifying users/stakeholders
- Developing or extending potential use cases based on one’s research & network
Pitch Training
- Introduction to building a convincing pitch
- Creating & practising one’s own pitch
- Pitch in front of an expert jury
Further Information
The workshop is free of charge. Registration is required until 13 June 2024. Learn more on the . event page