Papers accepted at AsiaCCS 2024
Success for CROSSING researchers from TU Darmstadt

The papers
- (opens in new tab) Efficient Post-Quantum Secure Deterministic Threshold Wallets from Isogenies
by Poulami Das (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Andreas Erwig (CAC, TU Darmstadt), Michael Meyer (University of Regensburg), and Patrick Struck (University of Konstanz) - Menhir: An Oblivious Database with Protection against Access and Volume Pattern Leakage
by Leonie Reichert (KOM, TU Darmstadt), Gowri R Chandran (ENCRYPTO. TU Darmstadt), Phillipp Schoppmann (Google), Thomas Schneider (ENCRYPTO. TU Darmstadt), and Björn Scheuermann (KOM, TU Darmstadt)
have been accepted for publication at (CORE ranking: A). ACM AsiaCCS