Introduction to Quantum Algorithms

New text book by former CROSSING speaker Prof. Buchmann


In his latest publication, former CROSSING speaker Professor Johannes Buchmann explores the facinating world of quantum algorithms. The new book “Introduction to Quantum Algorithms” is taylored to undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers interested in learning the theoretical foundations of quantum computing.

The book is part of the Sally Series, founded by mathematician Paul J. Sally, Jr. and was published through the American Mathematical Society.


Quantum algorithms are among the most important, interesting, and promising innovations in information and communication technology. They pose a major threat to today's cybersecurity and at the same time promise great benefits by potentially solving previously intractable computational problems with reasonable effort. The theory of quantum algorithms is based on advanced concepts from computer science, mathematics, and physics.

Introduction to Quantum Algorithms offers a mathematically precise exploration of these concepts, accessible to those with a basic mathematical university education, while also catering to more experienced readers. This comprehensive book is suitable for self-study or as a textbook for one- or two-semester introductory courses on quantum computing algorithms. Instructors can tailor their approach to emphasize theoretical understanding and proofs or practical applications of quantum algorithms, depending on the course's goals and timeframe.


Johannes A. Buchmann. 2024. Introduction to Quantum Algorithms. American Mathematical Society, Rhode Island.