CROSSING Research Seminar
Towards scalable Quantum Key Distribution Networks – Photonic Chips for entangled photon-pair generation
2023/09/07 13:00-14:00
Speaker: Jakob Kaltwasser | Location: S2|20, 121 (Lab)

Organizer: Jacqueline Brendel, CROSSING
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a very promising approach for secure encryption, even in times when quantum computing makes conventional encryption techniques vulnerable.
Among other challenges in developing QKD as a possible applicable encryption technique, the scalability of QKD networks is a key issue in making this technique attractive and feasible in the long term. Some combinable options are presented to enable scalable QKD networks. The focus is on photonic chips on which a source of entangled photon pairs can be realized for a QKD network and which provide a promising approach in terms of scalable networks.
Speaker Bio
Jakob Kaltwasser has studied physics at the TU Darmstadt and is member of CROSSING group P4 since 2021. As part of P4 he is working on the realization and further development of a quantum key distribution (QKD) network. His research focus is on photonic chips as a possible source of entangled photon pairs suitable for such a QKD network.