CROSSING Spring Retreat

Collaboration and networking in the Taunus

2023/05/08 by

In early May, the members of the Collaborative Research Centre CROSSING met for three days in Königstein. Against the idyllic backdrop of the Taunus region, the spring retreat provided the perfect atmosphere for fruitful discussions, exploring new research collaborations and networking with other members.

The retreat kicked off with a warm welcome by CROSSING spokesperson Marc Fischlin, emphasizing the importance of the event in fostering growth and collaboration within the CROSSING community and noting the many new projects that had been started since the launch of phase III. The kick-off set the stage for what was to be an inspiring and productive gathering. The morning session commenced with a plenary session, providing an overview of the current status of the ongoing projects of all research areas. Each project was presented by either the principal investigator or a doctoral student, offering a condensed summary within a 3-5 minute timeframe. The format allowed for a dynamic and informative session, enabling everyone to gain valuable insights into the breadth of research topics within the community.

The afternoon continued with parallel activities. Some attendees participated in collaborative sessions, where they actively engaged in discussions and explored potential synergies. Simultaneously, an online keynote titled “Verbündet Euch! Warum wir mehr Männer im Einsatz für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der Wissenschaft brauchen – über Rollen und Möglichkeiten” by Vincent-Immanuel Herr and Martin Speer, HeForShe ambassadors for UN Women Deutschland, provided new perspectives on gender equality in research collaborations. As the day drew to a close, a coffee break re-energized the participants for the final collaboration session. The evening concluded on a delightful note, with a barbecue at Bold Campus followed by an engaging round of bowling, allowing everyone to socialize and connect in a relaxed setting.

New research collaborations and better vision in sight

On day two, collaborative sessions took center stage, enabling attendees to delve deeper into their research endeavors, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful connections. After lunch, the retreat shifted gears with an eye-exercise workshop led by Sven Munderloh, who reminded participants that our eyes practically run a marathon in front of screens during a typical working day. Participants first learned the theoretical basics for understanding the visual process and perception. They were then given a series of exercises to master individual eye functions and tips on how to incorporate eye health exercises into everyday life. The subsequent eye exercise course provided an opportunity to test each individual's eye function and apply the theory in a fun and engaging way.

The final day began with a plenary session on “How To CROSSING” by manager Jacqueline Brendel. The talk offered valuable knowledge tailored to doctoral students, equipping them with practical advice on opportunities, tasks, and further training within the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre. The next official gathering will be the CROSSING Conference in September.