Short Course: Introduction to Mobile Security
Highly practical Erasmus offer with a mixture of lectures and challenges
2022/10/10 09:00-2022/10/14 17:30
Speaker: Assistant professor Dr. Eleonora Losiouk (University of Padova, SPRITZ research group) | Location: Pankratiusstraße 2, Darmstadt (S2|20, room 9), and online

Organizer: Dr. Markus Miettinen, TU Darmstadt, System Security Lab
We are happy to have assistant professor Dr. Eleonora Losiouk from the Security & Privacy research group at University of Padova with us for a short introductory course on mobile security.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the Android OS security through a practical approach. After gaining knowledge on the Android security foundations, you will solve exercises that emulate real-world security issues. The exercises follow the Capture The Flag format, i.e. you will exploit an Android app vulnerability to find the hidden “flag”. The course covers the following topics:
- Internal architecture of the Android OS.
- Mobile app components (Activity, Service, Content Provider, Broadcast Receiver).
- Mobile app reverse engineering techniques.
- Static and dynamic analysis techniques for mobile apps.
The course will be highly practical with a mixture of lectures and challenges, and the participation in person is encouraged, but students can also join online through this Zoom link:
There are no special prerequisites for students to participate. You can find more information on professor Losiouk's Local host for professor Losiouk is the System Security Lab of professor Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi. website.
More information
Students can register for the course . You can earn 3 CP after successful participation in the course. via TUCaN