OpenS3 Workshop: Emerging Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy
Workshop by the Open Lab for Sustainable Security and Safety (OpenS3)
2022/06/29 09:45-2022/06/30 14:30
Location: darmstadtium conference center, Darmstadt

- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Head of System Security Lab, TU Darmstadt
- Gordon Mühl, Global CTO Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection, Huawei Technologies
Cybersecurity and trust in computer systems have become indispensable, as information societies are increasingly depending on digital technologies and services. The emergence of network technologies such as 5G and 6G open up entirely new ways of building intelligent pervasive systems and enabling new applications and services for realizing the true Internet-of-Things (IoT) vision in which automated reasoning and data-based intelligence utilizing advanced AI algorithms will play a crucial role. The rapid and organic growth of new types of systems being connected to the network increase the complexity of systems and provide a fruitful breeding ground for security and privacy vulnerabilities that constitute a large attack surface towards our computing systems.
In this workshop top experts in the field will discuss their research and views on various aspects of technologies that are required for building trustworthy systems for emerging new computation environments.
More information
You can find more information on the program, speakers, and how to register at .