SPY Workshop 2019

SPY – Surveillance, Privacy, and You

May 19, 2019 | Darmstadt, Germany

Co-located with EUROCRYPT 2019

Organizers: Daniel J. Bernstein (University of Illinois at Chicago), Jean Paul Degabriele (TU Darmstadt), Tanja Lange (Eindhoven University of Technology), Sogol Mazaheri (TU Darmstadt)

Co-organized by CROSSING

Despite decades of development of modern cryptography promising to protect our privacy, we live in a golden age of surveillance. Government agencies are collecting more data than ever. Facebook data regarding 87 million users was used by Cambridge Analytica to manipulate elections. Android apps can and do track your location even when you turn off Location History. An Oregon couple reported that their Amazon Echo had recorded a private conversation and sent the recording to someone on their contact list. In the past decade, 176 million health-care records have been reported stolen in the U.S. alone. Regarding protection of user privacy, Apple CEO Tim Cook admits that “the free market is not working”. This workshop will feature several talks on the current situation and prospects for the future.

Conference website: www.projectbullrun.org/spy/