Perspectives of Science and Technology for Peace and Security Research
September 25-27, 2019 | Lichtenberghaus, Darmstadt, Germany
Organizer: Prof. Christian Reuter (TU Darmstadt)
Co-organized by CROSSING
Scientific discoveries and technical innovations have always exerted a great influence on peace and security. Thus, new civil and military technologies are revolutionizing warfare. Particularly striking areas are the cyber warfare and the rapid development dynamics of unmanned weapons systems. Issues of nuclear disarmament, missile defense or space armament are still unresolved.
The conference „Science · Peace · Security ’19: Perspectives of Scientific-Technical Peace and Security Research“ has set itself the goal of naming and demonstrating today’s and tomorrow’s peace and security challenges, such as a scientific contribution to the challenges and problems international security and peacebuilding can and must look like in the future.
Conference website: