Secure Design Strategies for Intelligent CPUs Workshop
May 10, 2020 | Digital event co-located with Eurocrypt 2020
Organizers: Nele Mentens (KU Leuven) and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (CROSSING, TU Darmstadt)
Almost all computing systems, from high-performance servers to tiny sensor nodes, are controlled by a Central Processing Unit (CPU). In the past years, it became clear that the security of CPUs needs to be taken into account during the entire design process, from the design of the low-level hardware components to the high-level CPU architecture. Researchers are taking on the challenging task of analyzing security vulnerabilities and proposing subsequent solutions, keeping in mind the importance of high performance and low power consumption.
Furthermore, machine learning applications will have an important influence on future CPU architectures and accelerators, and must be taken into account when performing security evaluations and developing protection mechanisms.
This workshop will cover the most recent findings in CPU vulnerabilities and mitigation techniques. The talks in the session are given by renowned speakers from industry and academia. A panel discussion will trigger the audience to follow new research directions in the design of secure and intelligent CPUs.
Workshop website: