Co-organized by CROSSING
franchise is a premier hardware security competition, a venue for scientists and industry experts to discover, exploit and mitigate security-critical vulnerabilities and design flaws in system-on-a-chip (SoC). The contest mimics the real-world scenarios where security engineers have to find vulnerabilities in the given design. The vulnerabilities are diverse and range from data corruption to leaking sensitive information leading to compromise of the entire computing platform. The open-source SoC riddled with security vulnerabilities has been co-developed by Intel, the Technical University of Darmstadt, and Texas AMU. HACK@EVENT
Since 2018, HACK@EVENT has become a unique and one of the world's largest hardware security contest that has attracted massive interest. It takes place annually at various top security and systems venues.
Events in 2023:
: co-located with DAC (July 9–13, 2023) HACK@DAC
: co-located with USENIX Security August 9–11, 2023) HACK@Sec
: co-located with CHES (September 10-14, 2023) HACK@CHES