CROSSING Conference 2015

CROSSING – Where Quantum Physics, Cryptography, System Security and Software Engineering meet

Darmstadt | June 1-2, 2015

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Prof. Dr. Johannes Buchmann

With over 130 participants and 12 keynotes from renowned researchers from international universities the CROSSING Conference at the beautiful Jagdschloss Kranichstein in Darmstadt was an overwhelming success for the special research area CROSSING.

Prof. Dr. Johannes Buchmann, Speaker of CROSSING, said: “Our expectations towards the conference have been fulfilled, even exceeded. The talks of our guests were at highest level but still accessible for everyone. The presentation of our special research area CROSSING generated a lot of interest, followed by many very interesting discussions: ranging from the principles of quantum mechanics to the most advanced technical security solutions and psychological and sociological aspects of cyber security. There is great interest to have the event repeated.”

To see all speakers and talks, please go to the agenda of the CROSSING Conference 2015 .

Videos from the CROSSING Conference

Impressions from the CROSSING Conference