Women in Cybersecurity

2020/11/26 16:00-2020/11/27 17:30

Speaker: Dr. Haya Shulman, ATHENE | Fraunhofer SIT, Dr. Radia Perlman, DELL/EMC, Svea Eckert, Journalistin und Autorin | Location: Online

Schirmherrschaft: Angela Dorn, Hessische Ministerin für Wissenschaft und Kunst

Veranstalter: Nationales Forschungs¬zentrum für angewandte Cyber¬sicher¬heit ATHENE

Organisation: Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informations¬technologie und Technische Universität Darmstadt

Konferenzleitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mira Mezini, TU Darmstadt und Dr. Haya Shulman, Fraunhofer SIT


Discuss the latest security innovations, trends and developments with leading scientists, entrepreneurs and connect with top-class experts.

In approx. 1.5-hour-long sessions, we will discuss varying topics, ranging from areas of politics, science and economy. Top-class female experts and leaders will share their insights and provide answers to your questions. Interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, panel discussions and virtual networking rooms break up the format and offer you an opportunity to participate actively and network.

Needless to say, cybersecurity experts and enthusiasts of any gender identification are welcome to join, because the diverse challenges in cybersecurity can only be overcome when working together.

Keynote and presentations i.a. with

  • Svea Eckert, journalist and author
    Talk: Dark Data – Learn about shadow industry which is surveilling your life (English)
  • Dr. Radia Perlman, DELL/EMC
    Talk: The many faces of identity (English)
  • Dr. Haya Shulman, ATHENE | Fraunhofer SIT
    Talk: Who owns that digital resource? On the security of ownership validation in the Internet (English)

Participation is free of charge, registration is mandatory.

Further information